Did you know Latin America is home to just 8% of the world’s population but almost one third of its homicides?

In recent years, Latin America has seen a surge in armed violence. Two thirds of the world’s most dangerous cities when it comes to crime are now in Latin America itself.

Across the water, the Caribbean has also seen significant rises in the levels of armed violence. The region is home to just 1% of the world’s population, but accounts for over 20% of the world’s homicides. In places like Belize, over 80% of those homicides are a result of firearms use.

MAG has been working in the region for some time, previously in Central America across Colombia and Mexico, but most recently establishing programmes in Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay, as well as across a number of CARICOM member states in the Caribbean.

Our work focuses on tackling the challenges around arms and ammunition management and helping to reduce the threat of weapons and ammunition proliferation, which is having a devastating humanitarian impact on communities.

We also collaborate with the armed forces and civilian authorities to dispose of large quantities of expired surplus and dangerous munitions and weapons. We work to enhance the national capacity for securely stockpiling and managing weapons to reduce the risk and impact of unplanned explosions. Since 2021, MAG has removed and destroyed hundreds of tons of seized pyrotechnics which have previously been stored near urban areas.

MAG is committed to its work in Latin America and the Caribbean and is currently looking to expand into small arms and light weapons risk education to teach people, particularly children, how to keep themselves safe around firearms.

To find out more about our work in the region, hear from our Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean: